Let’s add some life-saving systems to the mix, shall we?

You’ve been running your business
on post-it notes and a dream.


Because even though you love what you do, and even though it fills your cup, and even though you couldn’t imagine doing anything else…there’s definitely been a time or two (or ten) when your business has overwhelmed you to the point of tears.

You’re starting to realize that building a business without burnout doesn’t happen by accident. You can either keep limiting your income potential by being scattered and unorganized, or you can learn the systems & strategies that will help you scale without sacrificing your life!!! 

You’re in this business for the long haul—but right now, the 8-hour workday of a 9-5 doesn’t sound so bad. 

We’re here to teach
you everything
you need to know about building a freedom-based business that
runs itself

We’re here to teach you everything
you need to know about building a freedom based business that *almost* runs itself

view the details

A transformative, step-by-step system to deliver a 5-star client experience while working way less hours and living a life you love.

Content is applicable for wedding and portrait photographers.

Photography Workflow Mastery

The signature course



Stop being a frazzled & stressed-out hot mess and start having a REAL work-life balance - even in your busiest seasons!

Cut your post-production time in HALF (or more!) without compromising on quality. Halle-freaking-lujah.

Get 5-star testimonials every time and watch your inquiries and referrals go through the roof. 

Use workflows to create a repeatable client experience that makes communication a BREEZE

By the end of the 8 modules, you’ll know how to:

next testimonial

Since implementing what I learned in this course, it feels as if my business almost runs itself! Literally, out of all the education I have purchased, this was by far the easiest to get through and provides actionable steps to actually get it done. Overall, I am more productive, more motivated, my clients are happier, and I have been given back this precious gift called time. Thank you, Laura :)

"One of the best investments I’ve made in the 10 years of running my wedding photography business."

took a one month sabbatical after completing the photography workflow mastery course

Tina K.

next testimonial

I had a fully booked calendar within less than 4 months of implementing this course.  I owe SO much of it to implementing just my Inquiry Workflow Laura teaches (not even mentioning all of the other bonuses in this gold mine of a course). I was at 1 booking in June when Laura started teaching me her workflows and 17 weddings by the first week in December. 

"I was at 1 booking in June when Laura started teaching me her workflows and 17 weddings by the first week in December."

Sara Fitzpatrick

next testimonial

You truly are SO lucky if you can START your business off with this course, but it’s absolutely beyond helpful and practical for business owners a few years in, as well! I know 10000% that any offering Laura releases is packed with invaluable information to help business owners get their time and life back without sacrificing any aspect of their business! So thankful for all the knowledge I’ve soaked in from this powerhouse lady!!

"Laura’s Workflow Mastery Course is truly a one-stop-shop for growing an unbelievable business!"

Tori Kelner

next testimonial

YOU ARE A GODSEND!!! I finally finished putting together all of the the temples and started the workflow for my current wedding clients and I have got multiple emails that they are blown away with my communication & have appreciated the extra efforts of checking in and sending vendor recommendations. Gosh this year is going to be amazing and I feel a major weight lifted off my shoulders already!! Thank you!!

"I have got multiple emails from clients that they are blown away by my communication! I feel a major weight lifted off my shoulders already!!!"

Crystal L.

next testimonial

So please..... if you have any more courses up your sleeve..... keep going!!!! I mean.... just module 1 alone.... that to me was worth every penny of the full course! On vacation I booked a wedding because of your email templates, and I'm going to use that money to book mine and my fiance's honeymoon!

"Three weeks ago there was nothing but anxiety attacks...but today I jumped out of bed and couldn’t wait to start my day."

Laura Elizabeth

next testimonial

Laura … my mind is truly BLOWN! You created a workflow system packed with so much content. This is the one main piece missing from my business. I literally ran from doing workflows and my business has suffered the price. Your Workflow system will truly save my business. I am so thankful to you for sharing your knowledge. This is going to give me my whole life back. Total Game Changer.

"This is going to give me my whole life back. Total Game Changer."


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Our group coaching program, Take Back Your Time, launches in March 2023! Get on the waitlist to get access to waitlist only prices and bonuses!

new program launching soon!

The Busy Entrepreneur's Ultimate Productivity Guide

What’s Inside this Guide:
Since there are hundreds of books on the subject of productivity, I’ve got to narrow down the focus of this guide to the most actionable content I can give you to help you have productive days, weeks, months, quarters, and years.

So, while there is so much more to be learned on the subject, here’s what you’ll find inside THIS guide.

8 Chapters Including:

1. The Mindset of Productivity. Habits, motivation, and tactics are great, but if you don't have this piece figured out, you'll never achieve all that you want to achieve.

2. Personal Productivity Planning [Know Thyself]. Productivity is a mindset, but it flows with our energy. This chapter is all about learning your energy and work styles so you can skyrocket your productivity more than you ever thought possible.

3. An Introduction to Productivity Work Styles and Methods in this Guide - because there is no one size fits all method for productivity. Everyone's brain works differently, so I'll share the top productivity methods that have worked for a variety of my clients, so you can ultimately build a productivity plan that works for YOU.

4. A Yearly Zoom Out. Because before you plan what you’re doing, you have to know where you’re going.

5. Quarterly Planning Processes. I'll teach you step-by-step how me and my team build out our quarterly objectives so we can get goals done without working non-stop.

6. Monthly Planning Processes. Because plans change, and you've got to break down your vision into micro plans and projects. I'll teach you our step-by-step monthly planning system that we use internally on our team.

7. 2 Week Project Sprints. Our team's ABSOLUTE FAVORITE thing ever. When I tell you we've collectively never been more productive than when we are executing 2 Week Sprints taught in this chapter....PHEW.

8. A Weekly Planning Process + Examples. So you can truly master every single day, hour, and minute of the time you have dedicated to work. 


Quitting your day job for your dream biz doesn't automatically mean you'll have more freedom in your life. These are the foundational lessons I learned from growing 3 businesses. This is all about finding more freedom with your time, finances, lifestyle, and creativity while you build a business you love.

7 Ways to Create Joy, Ease, and Abundance
in Your Business and in Your Life

The Freedom Framework: 

Steal this!

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